I Think I Can Get Used To This...

- Weekday Dodger Games...
- Having Hubby around more...
- Sunbathing in the backyard, reading, blogging or booking parties as the kids play...
- Beach days to walk and watch the waves...

Nope...I CAN get used this...this lifestyle. It has me contemplating as to whether or not I should go back to the normal 9-5 j.o.b. (just over broke) or work for myself...
Being an entrepreneur was NEVER an option for me, but NOW its beginning to sound better and better the more I consider it.

We are called to live a life full of faith...but what does that look like for us as mothers and wives as it relates to us working...Of course, there's always the never-ending debate "To Work or Not To Work". The other side of the spectrum: working a job, is often seen as such a routine: doing the same thing that someone higher than you demands for you to do over and over, day in and day out as you wait for them to decide when is the right time to promote you for your job well done...I believe neither is better than the other, but that you must choose which option will be best for your family...a personal preference.

I've finally had my taste as a full-time working woman and I admit I didn't quite like it...well, it actually wasn't that bad...I liked feeling productive and needed on a grander scale.  Working as team and people relying on me to help achieve a common goal felt great and to top it all off...having grown folk conversations!...Now on the other hand, I had a HORRIBLE boss and I NEVER saw my family or had personal me time (although that's STILL hard to come by as a stay-at-home mom)...

So, I wanna know what you think?...Let's spark some discussion on that historic debate.  What's your preference if you had the chance to choose...would you be a Corporate Wonder Working Woman, a Mompreneur (work from home), or a Super Stay-at-Home Sassy Mama?
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